2011年6月23日 星期四

D.I.Y. Wedding Photobook

由於DM的pre-wedding package包的album 只可放30-40張相, 而我們總共影了差不多300張, 其他的相便要自己整相簿.市面上有很多可以整photobook的公司,曾經試過在blurb用一些生活相整左一本相簿,但可能相片本身的質素不是太好,製成品有點令人失望.

偶然在一個blogger的blog中認識Bob Books,最吸引的地方是每版可以平放,就像婚紗店整的那些相簿一像,而且紙質相當好.Software也算 user-friendly,根據每版放相的數量有不同的排版可供選擇.


到目前為止,我們已整左三本pre-wedding和一本wedding day standard photos的photobook,之後還會做一本DM的Snapshot,又要花些心思了.

Bob Books website: http://www.bobbooks.co.uk/

3 則留言:

  1. 你好好心機,我已經唔想整理啲相呀,點算呀??仲未曬返比人呀。。。。

  2. I've seen one blogger who ordered bobbook too, and am impressed with its quality.  Does it take long to get delivered from UK?
    [版主回覆07/25/2011 10:52:00]I think we may be referring to the same blogger haha
    Actually it normally takes about 3 weeks to be delivered to HK from UK. But this time due to some reasons unknown, they have withheld dispatching the album to us only until we sent an email to them. So we only received the album about 1.5 months after placing the order.

  3. Hihi~ I found your interview in 今期Cosmo Wedding 呀, 我認得個蛋糕.......你個wedding 真係好成功, 映出來效果都好好呀! 我仲有2個月就到大日子, 我開始緊張了! 哈哈!
    [版主回覆10/15/2011 10:34:53]Haha thanks ah! 你都要加油加油 ^^
