我好中意你件婚紗 (短袖果件) ~~~~ is what I want~~ very nice!! [版主回覆05/19/2010 23:58:00]你可以去依度再看看呀 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/lolozozowedding-20101204/article?mid=530 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/lolozozowedding-20101204/article?mid=457
very nice!! Your smile looks very natural! I like the angle taken in 3rd pic. [版主回覆08/05/2010 23:47:00]Thank you so much! I feel astonished that you think my smile looks natural! Haha..coz I'm not used to smile in a way that shows my teeth..I feel really uneasy and awkward to show my teeth while taking pic but DM "forced" me to do so..haha...sometimes I showed unnatural and fake smile...after all, the pic looked much more cheerful if I showed my teeth geh..what a dilemma...between looking good and looking cheerful :P
Nice~~~ 有feel~~~!!!!! I like it~!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2010 22:35:00]Thanks!!! ^^
很有感覺喲 正
回覆刪除好有feel喎!!!!! 好想睇多o的呢!!! ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2010 23:28:00]去DM個blog度睇 la..heheheh
未收到隻碟, 遲些再放多些上來啦
我好中意你件婚紗 (短袖果件) ~~~~ is what I want~~ very nice!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/19/2010 23:58:00]你可以去依度再看看呀
DM BLOG入面第二幅都好靚, 個頭飾同件婚紗都好靚, (個樣睇唔清楚, 不過都應該好靚 )
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2010 00:03:00]Wahahaha thanks so much
就是放些睇唔清楚個樣既相, 費事嚇襯大家
影得幾好喎..... 想問 DM Blog 裡面最尾果張相係喺邊度影架?!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2010 09:31:00]Thanks ^^
so beautiful ar....i like no.2 most! good job.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2010 09:30:00]Thanks : P
i love the 1st photo veryyyyyyy.............much!!!!!!
[版主回覆05/20/2010 13:25:00]Thanks :D
怕左你, Post 多左啦 ^^
Very nice!!! I like the first one. It seems like a story.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2010 13:17:00]Thanks! I also think the first pic is very interesting :P
我之前上網搵左好耐都睇唔到岩心水!! 買左件, 點知太細喇~~
Two words..
回覆刪除好正!!! ^^
wow~ 好特別呀!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2010 22:07:00]Thanks ^^
wa......so pretty! I love the 2nd one, where did you take the photos?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/20/2010 23:47:00]Thank you ^^ It's taken in HKU
啪啪啪 靚呀,我鍾意尾2嗰張。
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/21/2010 08:29:00]我都好中意第二張呀 ^^
oh ..... this is you . i read it already from dm blog . i love the last 2 .
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/21/2010 23:13:00]Thanks ^^
I like the1st one ar~ 好有意思~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/26/2010 20:37:00]Haha thx leh ^^
[版主回覆05/26/2010 23:58:00]Haha..係呀, 真係估佢唔到, 原來影出黎係咁的
very nice!! Your smile looks very natural! I like the angle taken in 3rd pic.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/05/2010 23:47:00]Thank you so much! I feel astonished that you think my smile looks natural! Haha..coz I'm not used to smile in a way that shows my teeth..I feel really uneasy and awkward to show my teeth while taking pic but DM "forced" me to do so..haha...sometimes I showed unnatural and fake smile...after all, the pic looked much more cheerful if I showed my teeth geh..what a dilemma...between looking good and looking cheerful :P