2009年4月25日 星期六

婚紗的故事(4) - Kate Jean Couture試衫記

之前在網上make了appointment, 今天同媽媽&R Zo一行3 人出發試衫去了. 外面還下著雨, 身體也有些不適, 不過為了不想浪費appointment, 還是照去了. 雖然愛上了復古婚紗, 始終都要試試不同類型的婚紗作比較才知道什麼是最適合自己吧

我們準時2:30 p.m. 到達, 地方很細但很整潔, 在梳化坐下來後老闆娘便給了幾本相簿我們看, 可以免費試2件婚紗&4件晚裝, 但意料之外, 選擇相當少, 其實我之前已經在網上看過所有相簿中展示的婚紗. 只有1件是我一見鍾情的, 其他的都不是太合心意, 但由於可以試2件婚紗, 媽媽提議我選一件有粗帶的婚紗

首先試有粗帶的那件, 感覺也不錯, 質料較厚身, 拖尾比較plain...之後可以試那件dream gown了, 因為不夠高, 要穿3吋的高跟鞋才襯到, 我喜歡多些lace的婚紗, 所以這一件真的太美了, 拖尾也有很多lace和閃閃的, 下身有少少美人尾款再加2層的A-Line, 很特別..

但最太的問題是...托唔起件婚紗, 好驚跣落黎, 雖然老闆娘說可以修改, 但始終很沒有安全感..似乎我真的與low cut婚紗沒什麼緣了

試完婚紗再看看晚裝, 竟然沒有一件有興趣, 十分勉強地選了2件, 第一件很像婚紗, 是香檳色的, 有長拖尾, 第二件是綠色的紗裙, 穿了出來, 不止我自己, 媽媽&R Zo都呆左, 因為...實在...太驚嚇了, 太金都feel, 很後悔拿了來試..哈哈

看看價目表, 其實以位於中上環的婚紗店又不是很貴, 而且還包手飾, 但可惜除了那件不太合身的dream gown外, 其他的都不合心意, 所以這間不在考慮之內了

3 則留言:

  1. Hey Congratuations to you too~ Let's exchange more info for our wedding preparations!
    I have been to this shop too, I have tried on a red chinese 'Kei Po' and it is pretty good $2500 to rent a single piece. I hope I can find one better than this though.  Apart from this 'Kei Po', I don't like any others ....
    There is one shop in Central really impressed me, it's called Verna Marina, try go there to have a look, the price is expensive, at least  $5xxx to rent one piece, but the dresses are sooooooo nice....
    I still haven't managed to book Cocoon, I will go there to have a look!
    Anyway, nice to meet you here ~
    [版主回覆06/02/2009 13:54:00]Nice to meet you 2. So great that we have chosen the same day as our memorable wedding day. Yeah!!!
    I think there are too few choices of WG and EG in this shop la. I like one of the WG but the EG are horrible. So I think it's not so worth to rent only one WG (which costs about $4,800) from this shop.
    Verina Marina is another famous shop in Central but I heard from others that they charge $500 for trial of the gowns.
    So are you going to rent a "掛" too? Many said Cocoon's 掛 is great but I tend to rent the 掛 from a more traditional shop called 冠南華.
    Let's share some more news later!

  2. Agree - $4800 from that shop, not worth...
    Yes need to pay $300 each for trying on the gowns at Verna Marina, I went there with a friend who used to be a designer at one of those wedding shops at TST, and she's amazed with the design and the quality. Again, but their gowns are expensive.... you can almost custom made a WG with their price...
    So far I have been to Anovia, Anaiss, Athena Valorus, Kate Jean, Noel Chu (TST), Bride Felice, eclat Couture, Chapter One, Verna Marina and Lou Lou Bridal. I did window shop a few shops at Kimberly Road too, but nothing much very outstanding.
    yeah go for it - 冠南華 is a good one!!!! I don't think I will wear 掛, I wanna wear 'Kei Po' instead. I don't really like 掛, but if my grandma against me, then I will wear.
    [版主回覆06/02/2009 23:54:00]Wow..you have visited so many shops!! What kind of gowns are you looking for? It can be a long process to find "the one".
    I think "Kei Po" is also good leh. A very traditional Chinese costume. Hope you can find the one soon!

  3. I usually made a few appointments with the wedding shops in one afternoon, I only spent 2 afternoons on wedding costumes so far.  I have tried on a number of WGs, but I still have no idea what style I am looking for, hahaha, yeah I am a picky person, it will take ages to find "the one" with a reasonable price~ We still have plenty of time!! No rush ~
    [版主回覆06/03/2009 09:38:00]Hehe..I haven't really started to try the gowns of other shops yet. May start in August. Try more know more : D
